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<% Server.ScriptTimeout = 300 ' 300 seconds - 5 minutes Numcount = 1 Set conDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conDB.open szDatabaseDSN,"",szDatabasePassword szSQL = "SELECT * FROM IGUK WHERE TopGames ='COOLITEMS'ORDER BY IGUK.ProductName" Set rsProducts = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsProducts.Open szSQL, conDB, 3, 3 %> <% 'On Error Resume Next rsProducts.MoveLast rsProducts.MoveFirst strRecount = Rsproducts.RecordCount do while Not rsProducts.eof strPrice = rsProducts.fields("UnitPrice") strNewPrice = (strPrice/20*19) 'Price Trimming Module (al 2003) IF LEN(strNewPrice)=6 Then strNewPrice = LEFT(strNewPrice,4) End If IF LEN(strNewPrice)=7 Then strNewPrice = LEFT(strNewPrice,5) End If IF LEN(strNewPrice)=8 Then strNewPrice = LEFT(strNewPrice,6) End If %> <% rsProducts.MoveNext Numcount = Numcount + 1 loop %>

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Product : <% =rsProducts.Fields("ProductName") %>   "> " alt="More Info on <%=rsProducts.fields("ProductName")%>" width="90" height="80" border="1">
Platform : <% =rsProducts.Fields("ConsoleType") %>
Type : <% =rsProducts.Fields("Genre") %>
Price : <% =strNewPrice %>
Result <%=NumCount%> of <%=strRecount%>

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